NEW EBOOKS listed APRIL 2008





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If bought individually, the cost would be over $1350 for everything, but for the holidays were offering you a discount for ALL of  Wendelle's Books on one Sandisk Cruzer for only $500.00 !! That's a savings of $875 dollars. And better still the shipping is FREE.

So you get 1full GB of information on a 2 GB Scandisk. That's a full 1 GB FREE space and 1 GB of E-books. All 55 of them in one simple easy to read pdf format!! And all this for only $500. dollars


$500.00   55 e-books on one sandisk cruzer

shipping is refunded as soon as I receive the order. Pay pal wont let me  remove this item. So it will show on payment, but refunded back to you.





All E-Books now PDF

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UFO CONTACT FROM MARS,  Among the Saucers, Helen and Betty Mitchell of Flourissant, MO,  A 317 page Electronic Book in Mini-CD format, describing their then ongoing contacts with human beings from MARS.  The recent near approach of MARS stimulated much interest  in that planet now. Many photos,  and illustrations.           


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UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET UMMO Vol 1,    The home planet.  A 400  page book on the first UMMO contacts with Prof. Fernando Sesma in Spain, and the ongoing communications with him and others over several years time, in Mini-CD format.  Many of the original Ummite communications are shown here with translations.        

   25.00  Vol 1

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UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET UMMO Vol 2,    The home planet.  A 388 page book on the first UMMO contacts with Prof. Fernando Sesma in Spain, and the ongoing communications with him and others over several years time, in Mini-CD format.  Many of the original Ummite communications are shown here with translations.        

   25.00  Vol 2

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UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET UMMO Vol 3,    The home planet.  A 413 page book on the first UMMO contacts with Prof. Fernando Sesma in Spain, and the ongoing communications with him and others over several years time, in Mini-CD format.  Many of the original Ummite communications are shown here with translations.         

   25.00  Vol 3

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UFO CONTACT OF AN EROTIC KIND, The Assignment, by John Harrington, a military man living at Eglin AFB when this all began.  He was told that he was “one of them” on Assignment here at this time, by his own choice  His romantic visitor was supposedly his wife in another society on Sirius B.  Explicit details of their romance.          


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UFO CONTACT OF AN  EROTIC KIND, Children of the Sun, by Kelli Clark, a young college woman at the time this all began.  This 80 page autobiography describes her romantic relationship with an exotic human-like visitor from another world, including her trip to his home planet and back.  She lived there for two days with him.          


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UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET ARIAN OF ALDEBARON, by Martin Wiesengruen, of East Germany abducted during the Cold War period.  He slept 2 nights and ate 7 meals aboard a giant laboratory ship in deep space from here.  Much careful detail was reported by this otherwise completely uninformed young man on this subject.     


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UFO PHOTOGRAPHS AROUND THE WORLD, Vol. 3, by Wendelle Stevens and August Roberts.  A 350 page E-Book version of this third volume in this popular series, never in print.  All of the color photographs in these Mini-CD books are shown in full color.  33  cases and over 75 photographs with complete details are included.      


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UFO PHOTOGRAPHS AROUND THE WORLD, Vol, 4, by Wendelle Stevens and August Roberts.  A fourth 350 page book in E-Book format of this fourth volume in this popular series, never in print.  All of the color photographs in these Mini-CD books are in full color.  Some 32 cases and over 75 photographs with complete details included     


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UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET ITIBI-RA,  BY Ludwig Pallmann and Wendelle Stevens.  A 285 page re-issue in E-Book format of my earlier work, now out-of-print, sold out, and very scarce, describing the Itibi’s plantations in S. America where they were hybridizing plant stocks from their home planet with ours.                                    


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UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET ACART, By Artur Berlet and Wendelle Stevens.  A 212 page reissue in E-Book format of my earlier work, now out-of-print and sold out, describing a grader driver’s abduction to another planet for 8 days and return unharmed.  He filled 14 notebooks with narrative account after his return. Illustr.       


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UFO ABDUCTION AT BOTUCATU, By Rodolfo Cassellato, Joao Valerio da Silva and Wendelle Stevens, now out-of-print and sold out.  The whole book is here with sketches as translated from Portugese.  The contactee was taken to another planet where he stayed overnight.  He took a small Instamatic camera and got pictures. 221 pages.     


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UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET KLERMER, By Rodolfo Cassellato, M. A. O. Bianca and Wendelle Stevens.  A 157 page E-Book, an auto-biography by two individuals describing their abduction, car and all, in Brazil and their extensive discussions aboard the alien spacecraft, and subsequent viasits by those Ets from a planet they called Klermer.    


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UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET NEP-4, Oswald Gonzalez and Wendelle Stevens  a 120 PAGE E-Book autobiography by Oswald Gonzalez describing his ongoing personal contacts with ETs since age 5, who said they come from a planet they called Nep-4.  As he grew up the witness created 12 notebooks full of reference notes and photos.  


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UFO CONTACCT FROM PLANET APU. BY Vlado Kapetanovic and Wendelle Stevens.  Kapetaanovic was a hydroelectric plant foreman in Peru when his contacts began at the dam there and continued for years.  Those human Ets said they came from a planet they called APU.  They treated Altiplano Indian Shepherds for maladies.


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UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET ZETI, by Raphael Chacon and Wendelle Stevens.  A 120 page biography of the contacts by Chacon in Tucson, AZ, with beings who said they came from their and his home planet Zeti, which they then proceeded to demonstrate to his satisfaction and he left with them and did not return.                    


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UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET BAAVI. by Algerian Mr. Y and Wendelle Stevens.  A 118 page E-Book describing Mr. Y’s many years of ongoing contacts and trip to the planet BAAVI with those Ets who also allowed him to bring back sketches, writings and books, from the alien planet for us to study and evaluate.                          


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UFO CONTACT FROM ALCYONE, by Lloyd Zirbes of Minnesota and Wendelle Stevens, describing in 137 pages,  Zirbes’ many years of ongoing contacts with beings from the Alcyone System in the Pleiades who were carrying out their REDEMPTION PROJECT for Earth,  This also includes the Falling Bodies papers, a new physics.        


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UFO CONTACT FROM BEYOND RIGEL, by a Cherokee Indian Maiden of North Carolina who was being repeatedly contacted by a very exotic being who said he came from beyond Rigel, from a sunsystem not visible to us.  Much discussion aboard the craft and many sketches and diagrams are provided in the 125 pages.      


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UFO CONTACT FROM THE DAL UNIVERSE.  A 94 page E-Book on the “Billy” Meier contacts with Asket of the DAL Universe who prepared him for his future contacts with the Pleiadians later in life.  This book included photographs of the DAL ships in flight and much dialogue with Asket of the Timmers Society.             


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UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET KORENDOR, Vol 1  by Bob Renaud, Gabriel Green and Wendelle Stevens.  A 350 page plus book on the very extended ongoing contacts of Bob Renaud with  human beings who said they came from a planet they called Korendor.  They made initial contact by modified short wave radio and TV, then face to face.          


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UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET KORENDOR  Vol 2  by Bob Renaud, Gabriel Green and Wendelle Stevens.  A 350 page plus book on the very extended ongoing contacts of Bob Renaud with  human beings who said they came from a planet they called Korendor.  They made initial contact by modified short wave radio and TV, then face to face.          


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UFO, THE DULCE STORY.  By Thomas F. Castello and Wendelle Stevens.  A 153 page E-Book Report on the alien UFO activities at Dulce, NM, and their underground operations there.  Includes many sketches and diagrams of the operations and facilities, and an actual photograph of an alien ET.                 


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UFO PHOTOGRAPHS IN COLOR, Vol. 1.  A 104 page E-Book of 100 of the best of the best UFO color photographs worldwide, in full color, in digital format for best manipulation and print out by computer.  All photographs are shown full frame with short captions only, only one to a page.  Many of these were published in my UFO Calendars.      


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UFO PHOTOGRAPHS IN COLOR, Vol. 2.  A 104 page E-Book of 100 of the best of the best of the UFO color photographs in series in sequence for best evaluation and study.  These are also in digital format for work with your computer and are only one to a page.  Some of these were published in my UFO Calendars.  Identification captions.    


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UFO PHOTOGRAPHS IN COLOR, Vol. 3.  An 80 page E-Book of 76 of the best Joe Clower and friends UFO photographs taken over the last ten years, some of which were published in my annual UFO Calendars.  I even did a special calendar on their photographs, 18 months special, for the last 6 months of 1998 and all of 1999.                               


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UFO PHOTOGRAPHS IN COLOR, Vol. 4,  A 130 page E-Book on the best 125 of the “Billy” Meier UFO photographs made in Switzerland in 1975 and 1976.  Some of these were also featured in various of my annual UFO Calendars.  Many of these have never been published anywhere before.               


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UFO PHOTOGRAPHS IN COLOR,  Vol. 5.  A 68 page E-Book of photographs of the controversial Pleiadian Beamship Variation V, as photographed by Eduard “Billy” Meier in the Swiss countryside near his home.  Consider the difficulty of building such a model, even with both hands and plenty of jigs for the job.                   


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MESSAGE FROM THE PLEIADES, Vol. 1, originally published in 1980 in Hardback library style edition.  This E-Book version has all the  photographs digitized in full color, and all the dialogue with the Ets, not purged to eliminate possible grounds for libel.  It also has a subject contents in the front to facilitate research.   






Web by CECE STEVENS    CeceSt@aol.com

Graphic © by CECE STEVENS